"Take a picture of me while I write," this kindergarten students proudly says to me. Ms. Trinity has her kindergarten students at MLKC Center Indy write every day after school.
Early writing is one of the best predictors of children's later reading success (NELP, 2008). Specifically, early writing is part of a set of important foundational literacy skills that serve as necessary precursors to conventional reading (Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998), including developing understandings of both print and sound.⠀
Specifically, early writing is part of a set of important foundational literacy skills that serve as necessary precursors to conventional reading
Research in Action
The Indy Learning Team literacy programs build literacy skills through easy to execute, evidence based literacy systems. This student and his friends read a diverse book and do a writing activity 4 days a week during the school year. That's 144 books and writing activities! If you are looking for books and writing activities, visit our resource page!